Care Packs

During our first term in Zambia, we can't express how important care packages were to us. We savored those special treats from home, new books for the kids, and every little nicety we were missing (especially mayonnaise!!!)

If you are one of the people who sent a box in the past, put something in a box for us, or even thought of putting something in a box for us... THANK YOU! We really do feel the love when we get a care package.

There's a big BUT coming now though... after a lot of talking it over, we've decided to discourage people a from sending care packages. We were super spoiled by all your great care packages in the past, no doubt. Seeing as postage has gone up at least $30 to send us a box though, we are feeling rather guilty. It seems a high price to pay for our little favorites, especially when we are surrounded by so much need in Zambia.

So, if you absolutely MUST send us a care package because you miss us and love us so much... well, we are not going to stop you. Please contact us directly if possible, because there may actually be some important things we need that we can't get in Lusaka.

But, if you are just feeling like doing something nice for us, please consider making a gift to us through ACTION International - if you send a check with "personal gift" and our names on it then we will get the money from you and know that it was a special financial gift so that we can do something fun like go out for Italian food at the one good place we know. Or, we can take the kids to a real store and let them pick out something brand new instead of from the grungy used clothing stands on the street.

Then, feel free to send that $80 that would have gone toward postage to ACTION International as a gift toward our Bible Club, Ciyanjano camps, our pastors' college, or our HIV/AIDS ministry!!! We LOVE that!!!! Yes, even more than dark chocolate or... mayonnaise...
