Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

Recently we were so blessed to be able to put on an all girls camp for young ladies from our local teen girls Bible study that Tricia holds on Thursday afternoons.  New Champs also joined in to be able to see different ways of doing camp activities and we had an excellent team of 9 graduated Champs to assist Tricia.  It was an awesome time of learning and fellowship and worship through song and prayer and dance.  A variety of guest speakers - women in ministry and women in business - blessed the girls with talks surrounding our them of "Love Your Neighbor"and really challenged the girls to live out what Jesus teaches in his Word.  We really thank God for a wonderful camp!!  Please pray that these teen girls and leaders continue to grow in their faith, hope, and love!

Our first evening session introducing the topic:  Love Your Neighbor

Spider Web team-building exercise is a challenge.

In this team-building exercise the girls have to work together to move people from one end of the log to the other without touching the ground.

All the teens enjoyed the variety of speakers we invited.

Auntie Tricia teaching sewing.

The girls loved making citenge book covers for journals.

Messy group photo of the girls and leaders after the painting project and color wars.  The girls really cut loose and enjoyed themselves.
