Our first week in Lusaka

Tricia Huckaby here to tell you about our first week in Lusaka, Zambia. First off, I want to say that things have gone remarkably well! Thank you, Lord! The weather here right now has been much like Bellingham's and has been very pleasant. We started our malaria meds and haven't had any problems, and there aren't even many skeeters this time of year. I think we are over our jet lag at this point but team Huckaby is getting hit by a cold... Lucas and Kelly are fully stuffed up and I know it's only a matter of time before I'm clogged as well. Please pray that we would be well so that we can keep up with all that we want to do as we settle in.

Tonight we leave the Hilty's house and move in with a lovely Zambian family for two weeks. Our "home-stay" is supposed to be an opportunity to learn more about Zambian culture. We are going to have to be proactive about asking questions of our host family and going out on the town for adventures. We are so thankful for this opportunity and are hoping for some real insights into our new home. One of our hosts has experience orienting people with the Peace Corps so it should be interesting and helpful.

One of my goals for the next two weeks is to find a language helper and make arrangements for weekly meetings. We also need to practice driving! Please pray for safety for us because the driving here is very offensive (and I mean that in every sense of the word).

After our "home-stay" we will be moving into our two-bedroom apartment on August 2nd for the remainder of our orientation period in Lusaka. Over these next months we will also be raising money for the refurbishment of the two-room building at Ciyanjano which will be made into our home. The apartment will be more than suitable for us as we work to get our home ready on the farm. Please pray for financial gifts specifically for our home at Ciyanjano Christian Enrichment Centre.

Overall I think we are having a fun time getting to know Lusaka and our teammates better. The Zambians we meet have all been so warm and welcoming. Yesterday I put in an order for some furniture to be made for our apartment and I was so pleased with myself for bargaining in true Zambian style... well maybe not quite :) I also had my first trip to the grocery store for some groceries. Zambian money, Kwacha, is becoming more familiar and I'm getting a feel for what our spending will be like. Gas for the car is outrageous!!! Diapers are highway robbery!!! But locally grown produce and even prepared food from restaurants are comparable to Bellingham and quite affordable. Furniture from carpenters is a great deal but all electronics are very expensive and not the best quality. Making decisions about how to outfit our apartment as well as finding a vehicle has been a big part of this week.

Honestly, I'm liking Lusaka more than I imagined I would and I truly do feel God's hand guiding things along and giving us strength. The most challenging thing about this week has been trying to be patient and firm with Lucas who has been quite a little nightmare at times. Tantrums are most definitely my new least favorite thing! I don't know why any of that should come as a surprise to me but I didn't expect plain old parenting to be the thing that is really kicking our muzungu butts this week!

Thank you to all of you for your prayers!!! We appreciate your faithfulness and care. We'll be sure to send out another update after our home-stay. God bless you and keep you,
Tricia for the Huckaby family


The Leviens said…
thinking of you... praying for you! miss your faces at padden... so excited for this new adventure your in the midst of! praying for lucas :)