Loving All of our Champs - pt. 2

Here are a few more testimonies from our amazing Champs!  This first one is from Josephine Kachofa.  Josephine and her husband are currently doing a ministry internship with a church in Kalomo.  We are missing them around Ciyanjano, but we are so proud of them for stepping out in faith and serving.

I have known Action Zambia Ministries to be champions to winning souls to Christ through out the Community and the entire Nation at large - it is the tree to which birds of all kinds of feathers flock together. In this ministry no one is left behind; it's a spiritual ,emotional, physical and moral encounter that one gets to achieve once you are groomed to the champ's group.  In this group I have learned to stay positive and true to God and the kids that we serve and show them my good conduct as an example for them just so they too can be moulded into better citizens.  Action helped me to go out there and evangelize as the Bible commands us to go out there and make disciples of all Nations." Mathew 28:19 for we are more than champions in Christ Jesus!!

Here is Josephine pictured with Hellen Sakala, another Champ from our first group of graduates.  Josephine and her family are serving in Kalomo with Hellen and her family.  Here are a few words from Hellen Sakala.

The CHAMPS program at Camp Ciyanjano has had a lasting impact on me and no doubt on my husband's ministry in Kalomo where we are serving as local missionaries. Its impact on me has been in shaping my view of youth and children's ministry as well as equipping me to manage these ministries. As part of our ministry in planting Hope Reformed Baptist Church we have been hosting weekly children's and teens' Bible Clubs at our house and it has been a joy to see how God has brought to salvation some of the children who are now teens and members of the church we are planting. I am so grateful both to God and the Champs program that I can play my part in helping my husband in the mission field.

Last but not least, here is a testimony from Matthew, one of the graduates from a few years back.

My name is Matthew Sakala. I became part of Ciyanjano family in 2015 when I started working for the Huckabys as a gardener.  Later in 2018 I was introduced to the D.2.7 group of CHAMPS by Mr Kelly Huckaby.

Before joining this class of believers I had the seed of Christianity planted in me but I lacked mentorship and nurturing so that my faith in Christ would grow and be rooted in him. And so I struggled with selfishness, guilt, private sin, boredom, peer pressure, fear and grief.

Since I joined this wonderful group of believers I must say I have seen a great transformation of my life. I now have a deeper understanding of God's word and I find joy in sharing God's love and the gospel to his people without fear nor shame. And I am confident that there is a seat that God has reserved for me at His table, a crown that He is waiting for me to claim and an authority that He called me to walk into.

In conclusion I want to say THANK YOU to the ACTION ZAMBIA MINISTRIES ADMINISTRATION for the opportunity to be discipled and be able to teach others. It is through you that I am what I am and I am living my purpose today.

Thank you.🙏🙏
