Loving all of our Champs!

Recently I was asked for more information about our Champs (Ciyanjano Champions for Children) program where we take youths through a discipleship program and do some training on how to serve children and youths in the church.  I decided I wanted to give some of our participants a chance to voice their own thoughts and at the same time let you get to know some of our camp leaders.  Here are a few and there will be more to come!  We will start with our dear Mampi:

Dear ACTION Zambia and supporters,

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the profound spiritual impact your organization has had on my life. Before attending CHAMPS program at Ciyanjano, I was struggling with feelings of purposelessness and disconnection from my faith. However, your training, guidance, support, and resources have helped  me build a stronger relationship with God thanks to you am a stronger believer and rooted in the word of God which you taught me.
I have experienced a transformative spiritual renewal because of the teachings, worship services, and Bible studies at Ciyanjano.
Cinyanjano has helped me realize I have a stronger sense of purpose and God grace is upon my life. 

In conclusion i experienced emotional healing, and developed a more intimate relationship with God and people .Thank you for creating a space where I can grow, learn, and connect with others. I am forever grateful for the spiritual foundation. 


This is from Jacqueline pictured above:

My names are Jacqueline Mambwe; I'm one of the Champs.  I joined Ciyanjano in 2022 and from that time my life has been wonderful, I have so many memories and testimonies with Ciyanjano. The training I did has helped me a lot in different ways physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. I am able to stand in front of different people and teach them, am able to lead a group of people, am able to read a Bible on a daily basis and the most important thing is I have grown to love God and appreciate people around me. It has been a wonderful journey and I am very grateful to be part of Ciyanjano as a Champ. I have done a lot of outreaches  to different churches, schools and on the streets with street kids --they have left a big impact upon my life, all to the glory of God. The administration of Ciyanjano they have really done an amazing job. 

And here is something from Gabriel:

I joined champs in 2019, and when I joined I didn't really know what it was about.  But hey you never learn how to swim till you dive in, so I went and joined.  We were introduced to the d2:7 book and after a few weeks I liked it and the group itself so I stayed.  I was always the first to arrive at every meeting but after awhile in 2021 I had to go to school in another district so I stopped.

When I came back I started troubling Mr. Huckaby to bring me back into the group because I loved it and the book helped me in my Christian ways cause I was struggling.  Fortunately I was given the second chance to join the 2022 champs, now this is when I really enjoyed champs and ciyanjano itself cause this time I finished the term and it was no longer just a group it was a family, a big one.  Every time am at ciyanjano or champs meetings I feel at home, just wish we had more like Champs!

We really love our Champs and the different kinds of ministry we get to do together.  Please remember all these young people in your prayers.  Also, Mampi is preparing to volunteer weekly with one of our partners that serves kids on the streets -- if you are interested in sponsoring the cost of her weekly transport, please contact Kelly at thehuckabyfamily@gmail.com.  And stay tuned for more Champs highlights in the future.
