Heading Home

We have exciting news for all Americans who have had their fill of the Huckaby family during these last months... We are heading back to Zambia on October 24th!  For some it may feel too soon but we are feeling very pumped to get back to work. Thanks be to God! And thanks to all of you who have given and prayed toward this end.

We are still a bit shy of our fundraising goal but we are trusting God to move the hearts and minds of a few more new supporters.

Our last term was close to three years and we are anticipating this next term being three to four years. It is hard to say goodbye for such a weighty chunk of time... Especially because we know from experience that not every face we say goodbye to will be here to welcome us back. Please pray that our family would spend these last weeks very well and to the glory of God. And let me urge you, as always, to put your love and trust in Christ, the author and protector of our faith and life. His love endures forever.
