Our October Life in Photos

While everyone back in the States is drinking pumpkin spice lattes, going to homecoming games in sweaters and kicking the falling leaves, we're sweating it out during the hottest month of the year. It's a dry heat and it cools down a little at night but getting through 98 degree days without without air conditioning. It's too hot in the afternoon to do very much but take a couple of cold showers and work in front of a fan. It's pretty hot for sleeping too. 

Ethel is so good when the kids bring their extra siblings
Things are a little sweaty...

Right now our life is pretty hectic. Tricia works like crazy to keep nine kids organized with breakfasts, lunches, lots of laundry and the afternoons are pretty wild. By the time we pick the kids up from school, do homework, nine baths, dinner, bed-time reading and devotionals the days go by pretty fast. Pray for us. Pray for our kids as they live as missionaries in their own home. And pray for our foster kids the they would know Jesus and that God would give us the patience, grace, love, and perseverance to continue this amazing opportunity.  (continued below)

All the kids in their uniforms - I only took a dozen photos and somehow this is the best one...

The girls are a little easier to photograph!
L to R, Joy, Hellen, Janet, Prudence, Ethel
Seriously, can I get everyone smiling at once? Is that too much to ask?
L to R, Mark, Benson, Emmanuel, Lucas
SOOOOO much laundry!
The kids invent games like marble war. Prudence and Joy are best of friends... when they're not fighting.
Prudence and Joy are best of friends... when they're not fighting.
Janet at the school tour of Kalimba Farms

We are hoping to raise money for two important things for our safety and sanity. One is a vehicle with more than 8 seatbelts. Our backroad drives to school are manageable for for a family of 11 in our Prado (which used to feel so huge!) but it's dangerous for the kids and for keeping our vehicle in good shape. Secondly, for our sanity we're hoping to add on a bathroom and bedroom as we feel like this situation is possible permanent. Eleven people and 2 toilets is a pretty rough time, especially if there is a bug gong through the house. We've had some close calls running to the Ripley Center! Pray that God would provide what we need to support the large family! He is doing a pretty amazing thing with all these kids!


Anonymous said…
Amazing photos. We'll be praying for your needs.
Unknown said…
Full house, full hands, and full hearts!!
Praying for you often, friends! Thanks for sharing your specific needs! Much love to you all. - The Rollins:)
Tim Mesikepp said…
An "amazing opportunity" indeed, and an amazingly-busy home! Praying for you all and the wonderful work you are doing. Thanks for the update.