Hello, 2023! Nice to see you!

Here at ACTION Zambia we are pumped for the new year.  For both our family and the ministry there are exciting changes coming up.

For our family:  We are so thankful and excited that God has provided funds for Ethel and Lucas to start school through the sale of a piece of personal property we sold and through the generous donations of our supporters.  God bless you all that have prayed and helped out financially so that Ethel and Lucas can have this opportunity.  They begin grade 10 together in two weeks and they will be boarding at the school Monday through Friday morning and returning home on the weekends.  Joy, Mark, and Emmanuel will continue home school with me using a combination of Sonlight and abeka materials, which we were able to purchase while on home assignment.  Please pray for all of us goofballs as we begin our 2023 school year!


For ministry:  We are holding a Champs graduation this coming Saturday to complete this current program.  (Pictures to come next week!) We are proud of this group of Champs and most of them are interested in serving with ACTION in future outreaches and camps -- that's super encouraging.  Because of the high level of interest, we are planning many more opportunities this year for these young people to get out and share the gospel in their communities.  Praise God!!  And please pray for a continued commitment from these wonderful young people.  Also, please pray with us as we seek God's will about the right time to start a new Champs discipleship group.
