2024 is long gone and we are so behind!

Hello good folks and friends and family!  A very happy New Year to you.  We meant to do this before the end of the year but between time with friends and food poisoning, we were delayed.  Luckily, writing this update is something I can do while resting and recuperating today.

This last year, while we have SO much to be thankful for, was one of the hardest years for our family working in Zambia.  When we were first fundraising to move here in 2009-10, I remember constantly praising the Lord and telling him that we were willing to put up with any sacrifices and hardships in life as an offering for him.  Jesus deserves it all because he paid it all!!  We still wholeheartedly believe and feel that, but this year we had to remind ourselves of that often, maybe more often than ever before.

I don't need to give you a list of the trials, or the challenges with five teenagers (four of whom are adopted), or the intense spiritual warfare happening around us.  But I do have to tell you IT'S WORTH IT!  Jesus is always worth it!  He is the same today and forever and he is worth any pain or discomfort or loneliness or disappointment.  He is our Almighty Loving God!  

So 2025... BRING IT!  God is our helper and our shield!  And we have people to serve in the name of Jesus!

