Upcoming! Urgent Pryer Requests!

Major prayer requests for the upcoming month.
First is that I am scheduled to have double eye surgery to correct double vision. As you might imagine, having double vision is a pain from everything to playing basketball with your kids, to missing a handshake by 6" not to mention driving in the madness of Lusaka traffic, my vision has been a major problem. The decision was between flying to the US without my family for 3-4 weeks and pay airfare plus at least $1000 plus dollars for my end of a $15,000 surgery. Having it here means greater risk (I'll be under general anesthetic) but also means being home with my family and also saves thousands of dollars. The doctor here is an excellent American doc and we've picked a day where she's been able to contract her #1 choice of anesthetists. That day is next Wednesday!
Pray that:
1. Our insurance company gets everything in order to pre-approve it by next week.
2. That surgeon would do an excellent job repairing my eyes and that I'd heal quickly.
3. That I'd have no problems with the general anesthetic. (Not die.)

Second, we've made a huge step forward with our adoption of Mark (formerly Joe) and Manny. We've received a back-dated approval letter from Social Welfare Headquarters which is unheard of! We're able to move forward right away with out waiting three more months!
Pray that:
1. Our social worker would take care of all the stuff that needs to be done so that we can go to court for the end of the year.
2. That the magistrate would look favorably on our adoption and grant it!
3. That all the follow up paperwork (birth certificates and adoptions decrees) would be finished in a timely manner.

Thanks for your prayer and care!
the Huckabys
