Ablution Block Phase #3

We're moving just as fast as we can on Ciyanjano's new ablution block. We've been slowed a bit by heavy seasonal rains, but now most of the brick work is finished and we're putting up the roof! We're not quiet as far along as would have liked to be by today but that was simply because our power has been out the past two days and our welder does not have a genset. God willing, this monday we'll be putting the roofing sheets on and all the brickwork will be done by the end of next week. That's when we really get to work on figuring out our plumbing. Our goal is for the project to be totally completed and ready for use by Easter weekend when we'll be hosting the Vernacular Reformed Baptist Churches of Lusaka family camp. Last year they brought about 150 people including children and have been planning this year's camp ever since. Let's pray that things continue to move quickly and smoothly and that we'll be ready long before that date (since there are sure to be kinks that need to be worked out!). We decided to use steel roofing trusses on the building for a number of reasons. The first was that the cost was not much higher than that of timber. In total it should be an extra $400-500. We considered the high cost of timber, the fact that rainy season's hot and humid days warp all available timber, the cost  and time (and smell) of treating the timber with creosote to protect it from termites, which are a HUGE problem at Ciyanjano and we though about the amount of moisture in a building where there would be toiles, showers, and sinks to further warp and further deteriorate timber trusses and since we really liked our welder, we're excited to see a termite-proof roof!


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